Goat Shelter Elements


Main House



Dining Area


Create a 2-sided feeder. One side would face the goats. The other would be in the human/hay storage area.

Angle catchment tray to funnel dropped hay back down to the center.

Grooming/Comfor Area

Protected People Places

(For the Hoomans)

Glove Line

Handwashing Station

Murphy Table

Tales from Basic Training

Dad shared a few stories from his time in basic training this evening…

He told of how he, and a few of his other trainees, had never seen the beach. So, they made a sojourn out to a beach in Wilmington, DE.

. . . . .

Stayed at a YMCA. Woke up sleeping next to a marine. Apparently, back then, people used to share beds.

. . . . .

One of his buddies from Scranton got a bad sunburn and had to jump the next day. (Yikes!)