Dropbox link for access to construction details:
YouTube: Gator_Overland
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/izf2e5qpie… or shoot and email to JKHartel3@gmail.com and I’ll send over the construction info.
Ready Seal Website: https://www.readyseal.com/
For this fence we used the Pecan stain.
The finish looks very much like a pecan shell. For 207 feet of this fence design I guesstimated 7 gallons for a single application, and we only used 6 gallons, leaving a gallon extra to do touch ups if necessary.
Hog Wire Panel Fence on Slope
Possible Hay Trough Set Up
Place against wall. Position so they can’t get butts over the trough. Head only? Make elevated ramp leading up to tough…similar to water? Encourage goats to pull feed up rather than dragging it out?
Various Hay Feeders for Goats